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How to Put a Hole in a Mason Jar Lid Without a Drill


  • #1

I want to drill a hole in the mason jar lid (I'm writing about the round flat part that goes on top of the mason jar) for a grommet. I know the hole is 1/2".

Best to drill the hole from the top? Or, best to drill the hole from the bottom?

I ask as I don't want to ruin (other than drilling a hole) the white/cream colored seal on the bottom of the lid.





Major Obvious (recently promoted)

  • #2

I've done it. It's not easy, as the material is pretty flimsy. My best advice is, use a Forstner bit, and go very, very slowly, with a piece of wood underneath. Chances are you'll tear a little bit at the very end, but the lids are cheap so you can afford to mess a couple up. Not sure it makes a difference which side you go from.

Ultimately I think you have a better option: don't use the metal lids, use the plastic storage lids. Way easier to drill, and being a little thicker a grommet will fit more snugly. You can get them with a silicone gasket for a tight seal:

Ball Wide Mouth Mason Jar Lids...

  • #3

I've also tried to drill the mason jar lids, and not easy.

The best way to drill them is to clamp a piece of wood on each side (small-diameter pieces) and drill through that so you don't tend to tear the lid.

Or plastic ones, as @Robert65 notes above.


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  • #4

I've done it. It's not easy, as the material is pretty flimsy. My best advice is, use a Forstner bit, and go very, very slowly, with a piece of wood underneath. Chances are you'll tear a little bit at the very end, but the lids are cheap so you can afford to mess a couple up. Not sure it makes a difference which side you go from.

Ultimately I think you have a better option: don't use the metal lids, use the plastic storage lids. Way easier to drill, and being a little thicker a grommet will fit more snugly. You can get them with a silicone gasket for a tight seal:

Ball Wide Mouth Mason Jar Lids...

Interesting idea...


  • Thread Starter
  • #5

I've also tried to drill the mason jar lids, and not easy.

The best way to drill them is to clamp a piece of wood on each side (small-diameter pieces) and drill through that so you don't tend to tear the lid.

Or plastic ones, as @Robert65 notes above.

Scrap piece of wood is always a good idea on the out side of any drilling. Thanks for reminding me.

  • #6

A machinist's trick for drilling sheet metal is to put a piece of rag on top of where you want to drill. It keeps the drill bit from grabbing when it breaks through. Use a small piece of rag as you don't want it whipping around as you drill.

  • #7

I want to drill a hole in the mason jar lid (I'm writing about the round flat part that goes on top of the mason jar) for a grommet. I know the hole is 1/2".

Best to drill the hole from the top? Or, best to drill the hole from the bottom?

I ask as I don't want to ruin (other than drilling a hole) the white/cream colored seal on the bottom of the lid.



step drill, put masking tape over the white seal part ...actually now that I think about it , these mason jar lids with a hole already exist...try Hobby Lobby ,Farm and Fleet ,or walmart. they sell one that will accept a straw.

  • #8

A machinist's trick for drilling sheet metal is to put a piece of rag on top of where you want to drill. It keeps the drill bit from grabbing when it breaks through. Use a small piece of rag as you don't want it whipping around as you drill.

wrong, this is exactly why you keep loose clothing away from a spinning power tool . good way to get hurt. a piece of wood under the work piece is way better and safer.

  • #9

I've also tried to drill the mason jar lids, and not easy.

The best way to drill them is to clamp a piece of wood on each side (small-diameter pieces) and drill through that so you don't tend to tear the lid.

Or plastic ones, as @Robert65 notes above.



  • #13

Dremel tool with a conical grinding bit.


  • #16

Bought plastic lids with seals. Worked betterView attachment 637554

I might build one of those. I already have a CO2 Harvester, would like to have a 2nd, but too cheap to plunk down another fifty. Where did you get the 90 degree barb fittings?

  • #17

Step bit with sacrificial wood below it. Clamp lid with C clamps or squeeze clamps

thank you. yes, that it what I would do too.

  • #18

Check out this video. This does work, I've tried it myself because I didn't believe it.

three things-
first , that material is about 5 times thicker than a mason jar lid.
second, the same old machinist he learned that from failed to teach him to NEVER remove the spiral cuttings with his bare hands. Great way to have a visit to the ER for stitching your hand up, those things are sharp like scalpels. Use a pair of needle nose pliers for that.
third, he went from what looked like 1/8 inch to a 3/8 ...should have put a 1/4 inch step in there...which is why...

I stand by the step drill with a wooden backer (or wood-metal-wood sandwich) method, so it can be clamped securely and a clean hole drilled. The wood gives thin sheet metal support so as not to warp or collapse under both the twisting and downward force of the drill press.

  • #19

Funny that you posted this. This morning I ordered from Amazon some plastic lids with seals. I have some other uses for them as well, but for this purpose, i.e., airlock jars, they should be perfect.

The lids arrived. These things appear to be the answer. Silicone seals, they drill easily (I used a step bit, I'm sure a regular bit with wood backer would work fine), and the rubber grommet works into the hole just fine.



  • #20

three things-
first , that material is about 5 times thicker than a mason jar lid.
second, the same old machinist he learned that from failed to teach him to NEVER remove the spiral cuttings with his bare hands. Great way to have a visit to the ER for stitching your hand up, those things are sharp like scalpels. Use a pair of needle nose pliers for that.
third, he went from what looked like 1/8 inch to a 3/8 ...should have put a 1/4 inch step in there...which is why...

I stand by the step drill with a wooden backer (or wood-metal-wood sandwich) method, so it can be clamped securely and a clean hole drilled. The wood gives thin sheet metal support so as not to warp or collapse under both the twisting and downward force of the drill press.

A sharper bit would help as well.


  • #21

A Greenlee punch would work as well. You still need to drill a hole but it is smaller than the final hole size and gets remove when you punch the final size.


  • Thread Starter
  • #22

The lids arrived. These things appear to be the answer. Silicone seals, they drill easily (I used a step bit, I'm sure a regular bit with wood backer would work fine), and the rubber grommet works into the hole just fine.

View attachment 637677

Good to know. Most helpful.


  • #23

The metal lids can rust over time, particularly around the drilled hole, so the plastic ones appear to be the way to go. But how best to sanitize them? I can't find good info as to whether they can withstand boiling. I usually boil my jars along with the lids. Probably best to soak them in a sanitizing solution.


  • Thread Starter
  • #25

What drill bit size is recommended to drill the hole for the grommet? I know grommets are 1/2". I ask as I don't want things too tight or too wide (loose). Tried different bit sizes and a step drill on Thursday evening. Unsure if I have the correct diameter hole for the grommet.



  • #26

My holes are exactly 1/2". Some grommets are better than others (larger/smaller gap) at accommodating the lid thickness.


  • Thread Starter
  • #27

My holes are exactly 1/2". Some grommets are better than others (larger/smaller gap) at accommodating the lid thickness.

I initially tried a 1/2" hole. No go. Way too tight. Grommet was mis-shapened, as I forced it into the hole (Geez... I realize the proceeding sounds somewhat pornographic...). Airlock won't even go into the grommet.


  • #29

Are you sure the hole is exactly 1/2"? I have two kinds of grommets, one is kind of flimsy and thin and the gap for the lid is narrow. The other is heavier and kind of a pain to install, but it has a wider gap which would work better on the plastic lids. The edges on these are square, not rounded like the other type, see pic. I don't think opening the hole for the flimsy grommet is a good solution, best to get the larger gap grommet. On the other hand, the video on Post #24 is the flimsier grommet and they appear to work there. I ordered some of those lids and will get them Monday so as to initiate my own struggle with this issue.



  • Thread Starter
  • #30

The grommets I have are LD Carlson.

  • #31

What drill bit size is recommended to drill the hole for the grommet? I know grommets are 1/2". I ask as I don't want things too tight or too wide (loose). Tried different bit sizes and a step drill on Thursday evening. Unsure if I have the correct diameter hole for the grommet.


The grommets I'm using are 3/8". The tubing from a bottle filler is just about 3/8" in diameter (maybe a few thousandths larger). The hole I drilled is 7/16".,aps,155&sr=8-3


  • #32

I got these larger grommets at ace hardware from the little baggie section in the electrical department. They are a bit harder to squeeze into the hole, but I think they would do better when dealing with a thicker lid. They are for 1/2" holes and fit pre-drilled bucket lids just fine.


Grommet Gap.JPG


  • Thread Starter
  • #33

Mine appears to match the more rounded one on the left. However, when I drilled a 1/2" hole inserting the grommets wasn't easy. Also, the airlock would not push into the grommet. I had to enlarge the hole a bit. I tried so many things I don't remember the hole size. That's why I'm asking. I don't want to spend lots of time experimenting again. I guess I could get the mason jar, with cider yeast, in the beverage center. Remove the grommet and determine the hole size. Thought, and hoped, it would be easier to ask here.


  • Thread Starter
  • #34

Recommended way to remove the gasket in a plastic lid so as to prevent damaging the gasket?

  • #35

Recommended way to remove the gasket in a plastic lid so as to prevent damaging the gasket?

If you're talking about the plastic lids I've noted above, I think you could take a utility knife, x-acto knife, even a pin or needle to get it out of there. Those gaskets are silicone, so they'll be pretty resistant to damage....



Major Obvious (recently promoted)

  • #36

The ones I linked at the top of the thread pull out with my finger. Don't they all?


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  • #37

How to Put a Hole in a Mason Jar Lid Without a Drill
