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Is Cream of Wheat Good to Eat When Pregnant

Cream of Wheat is an enriched hot cereal with a smooth texture and mild flavor that was first manufactured in the United States in 1893. It is also known as farina and is made from the coarsely ground whole-wheat kernel, removing the bran, leaving the inner core and some of the wheat germ. Served with nonfat milk, Cream of Wheat is a healthy breakfast for all ages.


Whole wheat does not contain a large amount of calcium. Cream of Wheat is enriched with calcium carbonate. One serving, prepared with 3 tablespoons of dry Cream of Wheat, provides 235 milligrams of calcium. Add a cup of nonfat milk, and that adds 316 milligrams of calcium for a total of 551 milligrams, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database. Calcium is a mineral that improves bone density and helps with muscle contraction. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men and women ages 19 to 50 get 1,000 milligrams per day; women over 50 should get 1,200 milligrams.


Cream of Wheat is enriched with ferric phosphate, a source of iron. This improves the nutritional content, supplying 11 milligrams of iron in one serving. Iron is an essential mineral in red blood cells, carrying oxygen to all the cells in your body. An iron deficiency leads to anemia. The Institute of Medicine has set dietary reference intakes, or DRIs, at 8 milligrams for men ages 19 to 50 and 18 milligrams for women in the same age group. After age 50, you only need 8 milligrams of iron daily.

Carbohydrate and Protein

Cream of Wheat is a good source of natural, whole-wheat carbohydrate. It is made from the endosperm, the center of the kernel, which would fuel the growing grain if it were planted. It is the largest part of the kernel and contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. One serving of Cream of Wheat provides 3.83 grams of protein and 24.15 grams of carbohydrate, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database.

B Vitamins

A bowl of Cream of Wheat also supplies B vitamins. It is enriched with niacinamide; thiamine, or vitamin B-1; riboflavin, or vitamin B-2; and folic acid. The B vitamins convert carbohydrates into glucose that fuels your body. Since these vitamins are water-soluble, your body does not store them but uses them daily. Pregnant women need more folic acid in their diet to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and cleft palate. Talk to your doctor to make sure that you are getting enough. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends that pregnant women consume 600 micrograms of folic acid daily. One serving of Cream of Wheat supplies 60 micrograms.

Healthy Additions

Boost the fiber of Cream of Wheat by adding a teaspoon of bran. Sprinkle toasted wheat germ over the top to give it a nutty flavor and get more B vitamins. One tablespoon of ground flaxseed adds fiber, lignans and 1.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, according to the Mayo Clinic. Instead of nonfat milk, try almond milk or soy milk. Include seasonal fresh fruit or fresh-squeezed orange juice for a healthy breakfast.

Is Cream of Wheat Good to Eat When Pregnant
